Empowering young minds through stories
Enriching young minds through stories

A digital library that inspires young minds with rich, diverse stories, and engaging learning experiences.

ZULA characters holding hands

Our Mission

Access to Hundreds of Books
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Curated recommendations based on interests and needs
  • Affordable price
Diverse Content for a Diverse World
  • Children see themselves and their realities represented
  • Helps children develop empathy and understanding for diverse groups and social constructs
Inclusive of All Needs
  • Dyslexia-friendly fonts
  • Additional inclusive features coming soon*

Collaboration Partners & Sponsors

At ZULA, we believe in the power of collaboration. These visionary organizations are driving our mission to become a global leader in diverse children's content.

Amazon Audible logo
umweldruckerei logo
Logo of the Kofinanziert von der Europaischen Union
Logo of SIBB. A digital Transition Incubator
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