The Multimedia
App that Grows with Your Child

Join our multimedia platform built to be every parent’s go-to educational partner and every child’s favorite edutainment destination. Dive into our gamified experiences and watch screen time transform into quality time - where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Screenshot of ZULA App
We support families
by helping them to:

Spend more time together

  • Curated recommendations based on interests and needs
  • In App Family challenges and games
  • Interactive stories to foster dialog, imagination, and critical thinking
ZULA Characters

Spend less time searching for content & activities

  • Access to hundred of books
  • Read-to-Me feature with Audio
  • Easy-to-use independently ensuring that children are occupied with nourishing content.

Have an easier time meeting all needs

  • Dyslexia-friendly fonts
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Diverse content where every child can see themselves and the richness of the world
Screenshot of ZULA App
Read 1 of our amazing
stories today!

The sock snatcher

On a frosty winter's morning, a cheeky sock snatcher stole papa's socks! Let's help him get them back!


Noa und der Feuertiger

Eine gefühlvolle Geschichte über Noa, ein geschlechtsunkonformes Kind, das von Albträumen geplagt wird.


Was Liebe alles Kann

"Amie", ein junges Mädchen mit körperlichen Einschränkungen, findet durch die Liebe und Kreativität ihres Vaters Freude und Stärke.

Overcoming Challenges

Le cadeau de tata boi

"Kopano" et "Rea" explorent la ville pour la première fois avec leur maman. Ils sont tous les deux impatients de récupérer un cadeau envoyé par leur tante depuis le Kenya.

Gowing Up
Action & Adventure

Amazing african queens

Explore the tales of six fearless African queens in 'Amazing African Queens.' Empowering young readers with stories of bravery and wisdom.

Taking A Stand
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